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Toluwanimi Debayo-Doherty

Updated: Jan 12, 2024

Happy New Year Everyone

I am so happy, blessed, and excited to be coming into this new and glorious year ahead of us. 2023 is going to be a fantastic year. 

2022 was full of highs and lows, but we made it through by GOD's Grace. We are still standing. We are alive. We are in divine health and have a sound mind and internal Peace. 

As we enter this new year, I wanted to let you know that GOD's plans for you this year are bigger and more significant than the ones you are determined for yourself. As much as there is aspiration and ambition, examination is also necessary. 

6 Areas of Your Life to Examine as We Start The Year 

A. First, Thank GOD for taking us into 2023: From the second you were born till this hour, it is a great and, if not one of the most significant reasons to thank GOD. GOD has been so faithful to us. He deserves all the glory. Take time to thank GOD for the year you were born in 2022. 

B. Review the year: Review each area of my life - Spiritual Life, Passion for GOD, Family, Finances, Purpose, Character, Knowledge, Mental Health, and Capacity.

- What areas of your life were the best? What areas need to improve? How did your worldview change? What is the best opportunity that came your way in 2022? What is the best chance you are expecting to come your way in 2023? How was your relationship with your family? How was your family with your GOD? Think and Reflect. 

C. Review Your Health: How often did you work out? How often did you prioritize your health? How often did you take mental days off? How often did you check with yourself internally? How often did you read for your mind? How often did you go outside? 

D. Review Your Assignment and Purpose: Have you discovered your purpose? Have you learned how to influence lives without a platform? Have you learned how to spend the love of Christ without saying you are a believer? 

E. Review Your Finances: How much money did you save? How much did you spend? How much did you give? What did you spend the most money on? How can you improve your finances in 2023? 

F. Review Your Relationships: The quality of relationships is far more excellent than the quantity of relationships. Choose quality over quantity. 


As we enter this year, I declare that each month shall speak for you in every area of your life.

a. January shall be a month of Peace

b. February: A Month of Good News 

c. March: A month of new beginnings 

d. April: A new of rejoicing 

e. May: A Month of Celebration 

f. June: A month of rest 

g. July: A month of flourishing 

h. August: A month of beautiful things 

i. September: A month of fruitfulness 

j. October: A month of great things 

k. November: A month of joy and family 

l. December: A month of laughter and happiness 

Welcome to the best year of your life so far. A YEAR FAR GREATER THAN 2022. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE ❤️. 

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