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A December to Remember 🎄

Toluwanimi Debayo-Doherty

Updated: Jan 12, 2024

Good Morning Everyone

Happy New Month. Welcome to December 2023. I cannot believe it is December already. I am genuinely thankful to GOD for GOD's Faithfulness in seeing us to the end of the year. This year was truly unique, and I am glad we are all experiencing the best month yet. 

Today's blog post is about Reassessment: Most of the World spends December in laughter, joy, celebration, etc, but it should also be about reassessment. Reassessment of seven key areas of life: 

1. Your Relationship With GODYour relationship with GOD should be the foundation of your life. Earlier this year, I understood what the lack of Presence does to you. When you spend more time in the World than in the Presence of GOD, it is reflected in your life. The World is not necessarily the physical World. The World can be viewed through social media, especially Instagram. Be careful what you allow into your World. Romans 12:2 says, "Do not copy the behavior and customs of the World but let GOD transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what GOD wants you to do and how good and pleasing and perfect his will is". 

How much time did you spend in the Presence this year? 

- There is something so refreshing about waking up early to spend time with GOD. For the days I sat in the Presence, I felt renewed. For the days I sat in the Presence, my mind was renewed. For the days I sat in the Presence, GOD molded me. For the days I sat in the Presence, I grew closer to GOD. 

- The Presence is the place to be this new year. I cannot explain the joy and happiness it gives. Even when situations arise, the Presence is still the place to be. The Presence is not just about prayer and GOD answering; it is about refinement. Stay in the Presence this new year. 

2. Your Interaction With FamilyDid you build a stronger connection with family this year, or was everything the same? I am thankful for the bond I created with my family this year. There is nothing like a family bond. Above your relationship with GOD, your relationship with your family should be the next important thing. 

3. Your Purpose and Assignment: Colossians 3:2 says, "Set your minds on things above, not earthly things". Our Purpose on Earth is the reason for our creation. If you are on earth and not fulfilling your purpose, you are not utilizing your years wisely. If you are yet to discover your purpose, determine in your heart to discover it in this new year. No man knows the number of years they have on the earth; spend it wisely. 

4. Your CharacterReflect On Your Character. Can the World tell the difference between itself and you? Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Be true to yourself and let the Holy Spirit examine you. 

5. Your Mental, Emotional, and Physical HealthYour Body is the Temple of GOD. How did you navigate life this year: emotionally, mentally, and physically? Developing mental, emotional, and physical maturity and intelligence is essential. I am in the process of growing in each area. I work daily to be a better person. I challenge you and me to strive for greatness in 2024. 

6. Your Internal ManYour Internal Man is Your Spirit. Guard Your Spirit above all types of sin. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Guard Your Heart; it will guide the course of your life. This new year enlightens your spirit. Uplift your soul. Educate your heart. Keep your spirit pure. Most importantly, read books to educate your spirit. 

7. Your Goals and DreamsHow much progress did you make towards your goals and dreams this year? 

- Did you set weekly goals or monthly goals? As I have gotten older, I have learned to embrace each day, week, and month. I have a theme for each precious day. It is critical in this journey of life. Themes stem words and affirmations. 

- How hard did you work to achieve them? Remember, all talk and no action makes no progress. According to the WORD of GOD, action and positive words yield results

My Charge to You As We Enter 2024: Aim For Higher in 2024, it shall be our year of many victories. Deeper Realms of Glory in GOD. Higher Dimension of Intimacy with the Father. More closeness with the Holy Spirit. Live a Good Life that reflects Christ, and Be the Light Everywhere You Go. Make GOD proud, and let the World be drawn to CHRIST because of YOU. 

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year In Advance 🎄. 

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