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As the Years Go By

Toluwanimi Debayo-Doherty

Updated: Jan 2, 2024

Happy New Year Everyone. 

Welcome to 2024. 

Wow, we are in 2024. That was fast, and GOD has been faithful in keeping His promises and blessing us all. As we look into this year, I challenge you to "Pursue GOD In A New Dimension." 

This year, I challenge myself to Pursue GOD In A New Dimension. The Years Ahead of Us are far greater than the years behind us. 

God gave us life, and each second, minute, day, week, month, and year we are on the earth is our time passing. Our time on earth is passing by as the years go by. 

Life is about legacy. We have to give an account for every second, minute, day, week, month, and year we were given. 

Focus on the bigger picture. Focus on the greater calling. 

Live with a purpose; live a good, godly, and intentional life. 

Live a Word-based Life. Live a life guided by the Holy Spirit. Live a life guided by the Father. Live a life guided by the Son. Life is about your part in the bigger picture.

Many individuals are choosing to stand for and by Christ. There needs to be a generation that will dare to be different. A generation will look past the world around them and pursue GOD with everything they have. 

2024 is our year of intentionality. We have to pursue GOD intentionally. For those of us who have yet to discover our purpose, we have to pursue its discovery. 

The Areas of Life I Am Prioritizing This Year: 

A. My Relationship With Life 

B. Family 

C. Health 

D. Growth As A Person and Woman 

E. Finances 

F. Purpose and Calling 

G. Knowing Who GOD Is

This year, Make Your Creator the First. Life is about making Christ a Priority and Fulfilling Purpose. God gave us free will to make the right path. 

Jeremiah 29:13 says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Be Among Those Seeking GOD With All Their Hearts This Year :). 

Happy 2024. Cheers to A Great Year 💙. 


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