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Toluwanimi Debayo-Doherty

Book Review

Updated: Jan 12, 2024

Happy Friday Ladies,

 I hope you are doing well and having a great day so far. Happy New Month. Welcome to your month of trinity. This month, everything will work together for your good, and boundaries will fall for you in pleasant places. 

Today's blog post is a book review of a recent book I read. The title of the Book is "Chayil: The Secrets of the Virtuous Woman". One of my goals this year is to become a reader and expand my knowledge. 

The theme of this Book is that everything she is and has is a statement of her relationship with GOD. She was praised more for her fear and reverence of GOD rather than the things she did. 

My Review: I recommend that any young female, middle-aged female, or female in general read this Book. It is very educational, deep, and short. I read it in 4 or 5 hours. The main points of the Book are as follows: 

10 Points from the Book 

The first is favor: You are the price, unreleased through prayer. Proverbs 18:22 says, "He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord." A man obtains favor from the Lord when he marries you. You are a jewel, and the right man for you receives favor from the LORD by marrying you. You are to be chased and pursued and not chase or pursue the man. As young females growing up yet to be married, we should be tapping into this favor upon us set for our husbands through prayer. 

The second is loyalty: The Proverbs 31 Woman was loyal to her husband, and her husband felt safe with her. Loyalty is everything. It would help if you learned to be loyal to your friends and family; loyalty to your future spouse will come quickly. 

The third is you have to watch after your man, which is the place of prayer. Prayer is the only thing a man's heart responds to. My mother constantly encourages praying before marriage and not just in marriage. Marriage is a lifetime commitment; you must protect and watch over your husband through prayers. If you have yet to pray constantly for your husband, please start today. Use the Word of God; verses such as Proverbs 22:29 say, "Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank". You can pray that your husband will be skilled and shine at his work, and he will serve before kings and not be low-rank. 

The fourth is you have to guard your family - in time with the members of her household. Guarding your children and husband is through prayers and your presence. Pray for your family members, and learn and start being present for your immediate family so that it will come naturally in your future home. 

The fifth is she watches over her children in the place of prayer. Prayer is truly the key. Prayer is often underestimated, and as young females, we must be committed to prayer. 

The sixth is she had new bed sheets and perfume for her sexual life with her husband. This is a little advanced, but as growing females, we should begin to learn about marriage and love in appropriate ways. 


The seventh is that she is elegant and dresses well, which helps her husband's ministry. Have you ever heard the phrase, "How you dress is how you are addressed"? Young females are one of the most vulnerable and targeted groups of people in the world. How we dress, attract people and opportunities come to us. 

Eighth, she keeps herself updated physically (outwardly) and her brain updated by reading books. Your physical and mental health is a significant component of your life. Keep your body and mind fit. It is crucial and essential for your life. 

The ninth is she is financially intelligent: She has multiple income streams. She saves and invests her money; she knows there are dry seasons and winter. Learn how to save your money and invest it in the right person. You are young enough to learn about real estate investment, property investment, and how to invest your money correctly. I plan to learn about investments and expand my knowledge throughout the year. 

The tenth is she has a relationship with GOD - a war room, hears GOD, and God hears her. She is a wife and then a mother. Everything in our lives should stem from our relationship with GOD. Your relationship with GOD reflects in every area of your life than you know it. In Proverbs 31, a woman's life is empowered by her relationship with GOD. 

You can only be the Proverbs 31 Woman and Virtuous Woman if you have a strong relationship with GOD and hear GOD constantly. You can pursue the Book by Pastor Mildred Kingsley-Okonkwo through this link

Have a great Friday, Ladies, and a great weekend ahead. 

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