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Toluwanimi Debayo-Doherty

Components and Habits OF A Successful Life PART 1

Updated: Jan 12, 2024

Hello Ladies, 

 Happy Friyay. I hope you are doing well and having a great day so far. How has your month been? Mine has been great. In today's post, I will share some of the components and habits of leading a successful life. 

One thing I love to do is share knowledge. This is one of the main factors why I started a blog. Each of these tips is proven and works, and I would love it if you could apply it to your life. 

Our first component is Soul-Winning. Soul-Winning is evangelizing the Gospel of Christ. Mark 16:15-16 says, "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned. This verse is a command. Our assignment on the earth is to win souls for GOD and fulfill our purpose and assignment on the EARTH. 

Listening to Podcasts: Educate yourself. Expand your knowledge. Go beyond your standard field and scope. I have a podcast called "Daily Talks With Toluwanimi," but I began listening to other podcasts, such as 

a. Bible Before Breakfast 

b. WHOA, That's Good 

c. God Hears Her 

These podcasts can be found on diverse platforms such as Apple and Spotify. 

Giving: The Bible says, "The hand of the giver will always be on top." There are several aspects of giving. Proverbs 19:17 says, "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord, and that which he hath given will he pay him again. For those who do not know, there are different aspects of giving. Some of the aspects I know are: 

a. Giving to Parents 

b. Giving to The Poor 

c. Giving to Grandparents 

d. Giving to The Work of Christ to advance the Kingdom of GOD

e. Tithing: Paying 10% or more of your monthly income 

f. First Fruit: The first salary of your first job or each time you get a new job. 

Reading the Word: Matthew 4:4 says, Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. I listened to an episode titled "What You Need" on the Bible on the Breakfast Podcast by Pastor Mildred Kingsley Okonkwo. She discussed how the Word of GOD is life. We need a constant stream to survive in life. I know how the lack of GOD's Word has impacted my life. I have had to face battles internally and externally. One of the key points that stood out to me was when she stated," 

Taking God's Kingdom As A Business: I heard this during a sermon I was listening to by my pastor, Bishop David Oyedepo. He said we must take GOD's work on the earth seriously and take it as a business. Our love for GOD and heart for HIM are shown in our pursuit of HIM and His Kingdom. 

Reading Books: One of the best books I have read recently is "Chayil's Secrets of a Virtuous Woman." The main point in the book is our RELATIONSHIP With God determines how successful we will be in life. We find ourselves when we find GOD. I will be expanding more on these points in a podcast episode with the same title as 

We are only on this earth for a certain number of years; please do not waste the "ONE" life; GOD has given up on you. Life is Time, and Time is Life. 

I am trying to do better and be better every single day and year of my life. We are supposed to be our brothers and sisters' keepers. 

Each component has depth and different aspects, but it would be great to expose you to these components to help you. Knowledge is power; we must share our knowledge to help others and each other. 

Have a great rest of your day. See you next time :). 

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