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Toluwanimi Debayo-Doherty


Updated: Jan 9, 2024

Hello, Lavenders,

Welcome to another blog post; I hope you enjoyed last week's post. Thank you for your excellent comments and feedback. I genuinely appreciate it. Be sure to like, share, comment, and subscribe. Also, please be sure to check out the Ads. All you need to do is click on the Ad tabs on the top and bottom sections of the post. (You'll be doing your girl a big favor, and God bless you as you do so.) I hope you enjoy today's blog; thank you :)

One of the best pieces of advice I received this year was, "If someone is not putting the same energy into the relationship as you are, cut the relationship off." This might have sounded harsh to some people; for others, you probably thought yes, that is it; for the rest, you probably have no opinion. People who know me know that I am friendly, always happy, and high-spirited, but throughout this year, I met people who had a problem with my personality. In most of my relationships before this year. I did not realize I was putting in all the energy and effort. But this changed this year. Power in relationships has to be two-sided. Energy evolves from various things, such as love, trust, honesty, respect, etc. 

For many young females, energy comes into play in their friendships and relationships. For example, if a young female were in a relationship with a guy and constantly had to make sacrifices that were not worth it, many people would encourage her to leave the relationship or try to compromise. Teen drama sometimes evolves as a result of this. Best friend relationships, love relationships, parent and child relationships, everything revolves around energy. Relationships need the best type of energy to function and be balanced. You have probably heard the phrase, "Be careful who you surround yourself with." We must surround ourselves with positive energy. Even if you and a particular person have the same personality, you will still be the best match; even if you and a specific person have different personalities, you will still be a great match. Energy is vital in relationships. Many young females are often taken advantage of because they put too much or too little effort into their relationships. Having a balance in relationships is hard. Family relationships can also have one person putting in more energy than the others. Relationships are vital to life; finding balance is a constant process. I have developed balance in my relationships by reducing my communication: the number of times I reach out to people. Adjusting to this has had its pros and cons. But most importantly, it has increased respect in my relationships. 

Energy requires effort. It is straightforward for an individual to relinquish their self-worth to others. Relationships should not be forced; they should happen and flow naturally. If an individual wants to leave your life, let them go. Do not beg people to stay in your life. For example, a young female has a crush on a guy and goes to any length to be friends with the guy: this young female has opened up for insults, dishonor, and disrespect. Even if she moves on, their experience has created her worth to the guy. Many young females do not know their worth and spend their teenage and youth years developing their worth. Proverbs 11:22 says, "Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion." Allowing the right energy around us requires knowing our worth.

Do not allow yourself to be disrespected. Our actions, appearance, how we talk, what we say, etc, are easy ways to open ourselves to disrespect. Earlier this year, I was careful about the people I allowed to speak to me when my mom was the only person I needed. Energy can determine the most you are making out of relationships. I encourage you to reevaluate your circle, friendships, and relationships. If there is a friendship or relationship you are constantly putting all your energy into, you need to rethink this relationship today. Positive and good energy is all we need, and the rest will fall into place. 

Thank you so much for reading; God Bless You Greatly. Remember to like, comment, share, and subscribe. If you are reading and do not believe in God, I encourage you to have an open heart and mind and give God a chance to prove himself to you. Please say this prayer: "Heavenly Father, I am a sinner and come to you to ask you to forgive me of my terrible sins. Thank you for dying for my sins and bearing the shame on that Cross so I may have eternal life. Today, I confess with my mouth that I have sinned against you, and believe with my whole heart that Jesus is Lord, and God raised Him from the dead on the third day. He is seated on the Heavenly throne and intercedes on my behalf. I give you my heart, soul, and life and pray that I will obey thy Word. In the precious name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen." If you just said that prayer, welcome to the family of believers. Congratulations!! Heaven rejoiced; God is so glad and happy to have you in his family. I will be praying for you and your walk with God. Feel free to contact me on the next steps in this new chapter in your life. Just fill out the keep in touch form on the home page, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you once again for reading. God Bless You. Watch out for the next blog next Friday. Have a blessed week, Thank You. 

Please kindly check out my podcast, Daily Talks with Toluwanimi. A new episode comes out every Sunday at noon. It can be heard on the Anchor app, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, and Spotify. God Bless You As You Do So. 

Compassion International is an organization that helps provide for children in poverty. You can sponsor a child or donate monthly at God Bless You As You Do So. 

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