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Toluwanimi Debayo-Doherty


Updated: Jan 9, 2024

Hello Lavenders

Welcome to another blog post; I hope you enjoyed last week's post. Thank you for the excellent comments and feedback. I genuinely appreciate it. God bless you. I hope you enjoy today's blog. Be sure to like, share, comment, and subscribe. Also, please be sure to check out the Ads. All you need to do is click on the Ad tabs on the top and bottom sections of the post. (You'll be doing your girl a big favor, and God bless you as you do so.) I hope you enjoy today's blog; thank you :)

Teenage relationships are one of the world's most beautiful, unique, yet complex relationships. Teenage relationships can be very complex depending on the individuals involved in the relationship. 1 Corinthians 6:16 says, "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in the body? For it is said, "The two will become one flesh." One of the dynamics in many teenage relationships is the pressure to progress in levels in their relationship. Levels include kissing, hugging, holding hands, saying "I love you," and the giant step of intimacy. Sex in relationships is portrayed as the beginning of deep intimacy. In our society today, kids know what sex is as young as the age of 12. The misconception of sex in teenage relationships is the belief that sex is the only way to show deep love and build intimacy. Intimacy is more than sex. Intimacy can be built in different ways and forms. One of the mistakes many teens make during their teenage years is not getting to know themselves before entering a relationship. Teenage hormones play a role in this. You cannot know and love someone for who they are without knowing and loving yourself. 

Intimacy in a relationship can be built through development. Development in your spiritual lives together, your talents and skills, and your career. Two young people in a godly relationship where they are committed to one another and are growing and evolving together is a better-off relationship than two young people in a committed relationship that involves sex. According to 1 Corinthians 6:16, sex is a profound spiritual mystery. Sex binds two people together. Love is one of the most powerful things in this world, but love is often mistaken for lust in teenage relationships. Many young females are under undue pressure in society; some pressure comes from peers, others from within, and some from external pressure from family members and friends. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, pure is "behaving in a way that is morally good, especially in things related to sex." Sexual immorality is often taught about as only having sex with another person before marriage. Still, it is also imagining sex with another person, watching sex, and desiring sex when you are not married. Many young people often desire to engage in sex to experiment with themselves, to fit in, etc. But their lack of understanding of what sex is, the knowledge that sex is beyond the physical, is what many teens are not taught and do not understand. 

One of the ways teens can quickly educate themselves on the godly perspective on sex is by asking advice from adults in their lives and watching educated YouTube videos such as these three videos titled "What Nobody Tells You About Sex." In these videos, the speaker highlights ten facts about sex that are not often discussed or taught in society. I encourage you to watch and listen to them attentively. You will learn a thing or two and be helping another person without even realizing it by sharing it with others on your phone contact list, WhatsApp contact, etc. These are the links to the videos: , , You can drop what you learned in the comments section of the blog. You do not have to lower your standards or create certain relationship levels to build intimacy. Intimacy without sex is the best way to go into relationships. It avoids heartbreak, pressure, and everything else in between. Love is a beautiful thing, but it must be done right to reap the reward of it. You are young enough to stay pure and suitable for marriage. Purity is critical before marriage. Keep yourself and honor God with your body. There are many great rewards for celibacy and purity; you can become a partaker today. I want to encourage and challenge you to stay true to yourself but to do so; you must honor God, his Word, his teachings, and sex advice. 

Thank you so much for reading; God Bless You Greatly. Remember to like, comment, share, and subscribe. If you are reading and do not believe in God, I encourage you to have an open heart and mind and give God a chance to prove himself to you. Please say this prayer: "Heavenly Father, I am a sinner and come to you to ask you to forgive me of my terrible sins. Thank you for dying for my sins and bearing the shame on that Cross so I may have eternal life. Today, I confess with my mouth that I have sinned against you, and believe with my whole heart that Jesus is Lord, and God raised Him from the dead on the third day. He is seated on the Heavenly throne and intercedes on my behalf. I give you my heart, soul, and life and pray that I will obey thy Word. In the precious name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen." If you just said that prayer, welcome to the family of believers. Congratulations!! Heaven rejoiced; God is so glad and happy to have you in his family. I will be praying for you and your walk with God. Feel free to contact me on the next steps in this new chapter in your life. Just fill out the keep in touch form on the home page, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you once again for reading. God Bless You. Watch out for the next blog next Friday. Have a blessed week, Thank You. 

Please kindly check out my podcast, Daily Talks with Toluwanimi. A new episode comes out every Sunday at noon. It can be heard on the Anchor app, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, and Spotify. God Bless You As You Do So. 

Compassion International is an organization that helps provide for children in poverty. You can sponsor a child or donate monthly at God Bless You As You Do So. 

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